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Dynamic Signature Lines

Create the number of signature lines you need, based on the number of signatories you have.

Written by Shawn Moore
Updated over 9 months ago

Let's say you have a document that can have a variable number of clients. You want Woodpecker fields for each Client Name, and you only want one field for Client Name to show if there's one client, two fields (Client 1 Name and Client 2 Name) if there's two clients, and so forth.

You also want to adjust the final signature line(s) for the document so the number of lines correlates with the number of Clients, and automatically pull in the Client Names from the fields you've already created.

This is a great use case for using Macros and Conditionals together to create a dynamic signature line in your document.

In this guide we'll:

  1. Create fields, which list the number and name of signatories

  2. Create a conditional field that assembles the final signature line

  3. Insert the signature line

Create a Single Select field for the number of Clients.

We will set up the option to have one or two Clients, however, this number is up to you!

Create the "Name of Clients" fields, to automatically display or hide, based on the number of Clients you have.

We will use the "greater than" condition here.

The first field name is the "Name of Client 1" and the conditional is the following: IF "Number of Clients" is greater than 0, THEN type "Input".

The next field will be similar, so duplicate the previous field and change the conditional sentence as follows: IF "Number of Clients" is greater than 1, THEN type "Input".

"Input" in this case means that when the conditional sentence is true, Woodpecker will insert this additional field into the template. This will create a dynamic workflow and ensures that you filled all the fields needed in the template.

Create a Conditional field called "Signature Line."

To assemble the final signature line, we'll create a Conditional field and set up two conditions:

  1. IF Number of Clients equal to 1 THEN type ______________
    {Name of Client 1}

  2. IF Number of Clients equal to 2 THEN type ______________
    {Name of Client 1}
    {Name of Client 2}

The signature line will pull in the name of Client 1 and Client 2 and form a final signature line depending on whether a value is specified for one or two Clients.

Signature line condition part 1

Signature line condition part 2

Edit the same field and add an additional condition here:

Now it's time to insert your signature line.

Select Insert (from the Word Ribbon) > Text box > Draw text box and choose the area, where you would like to insert the text box.
1. Click inside the box

2. Insert your Signature Line field into the document by clicking the plus button to the left of the field

3. Remove outline of the text box

And you're all set!

Do you need a different style of signature line? Read our tips about how to create lines and blocks in your document.

Have more questions about setting up your own custom signature line? Let us know via the chat widget in the bottom right of your screen and we'll help you out!

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