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The 10 Woodpecker Field Types

Overview of Woodpecker field options and when to use them.

Written by Shawn Moore
Updated over 9 months ago

A Woodpecker field is just like a field in any template or form.

Inserting fields in your document allows you to identify the content that is likely to change. That content can then be dynamically updated with the field values you enter into the Woodpecker side panel.

Watch this short video or skip to the written explanation below to learn more about the 10 different field types.

Field types

1) Single line text

"Single line text" fields allow for simple, flexible, one-line text entries.

2) Multiline text

"Multiline text" fields are like single line text fields, but with the added flexibility of multiple lines.

3) Rich text

"Rich text" fields allow for multi-line, rich-text formatting. This means that you can specify text fonts, colors, alignment, and more.

4) Date

"Date" fields allow you to choose a date using a date-picker. Woodpecker formats the date you selected for the date field during template creation.

5) Number

"Number" fields only validate the data being entered is numeric.

6) Single select

"Single select" fields allow you to specify a list of predefined options that can be selected via a dropdown.

7) Multi select

"Multi select" fields allow you to specify a list of predefined options, where any option or combination of options can be selected via a dropdown.

8) Conditional

"Conditional" fields allow you to specify a list of conditions that dictate the value for the field. These conditions take into account the values of other fields within your document and can be really helpful when dealing with varying words, phrases, or clauses.

9) Formula

Formula” fields allow you to specify dynamic calculations that depend on the values of other fields within your document. “Formula” fields support almost any Excel operation and can be chained together.

10) Image

"Image" fields allow you to easily insert company logos and other images your template may need, further automating the document creation process.

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