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Questionnaire Advanced Settings

How to customize your shareable questionnaire experience

Written by Shawn Moore
Updated over 9 months ago

For any Shareable Questionnaire, you are able to toggle between configuration options to tailor the questionnaire experience for your use case. There are many useful options:

  1. Populate as PDFs: When the questionnaire is submitted, the associated templates will be populated and emailed to you as PDF files (by default templates will be populated and emailed to you as DOCX files).
    Note: If you're expecting a high volume of submissions in a short amount of time ( 200+), we recommend converting the documents from docx to PDF after the questionnaire submission.

  2. Exclude questionnaire responses: Prevent questionnaire submitters from receiving their responses as a CSV attachment in a confirmation email (by default questionnaire submitters will receive their responses as a CSV attachment in a confirmation email).

  3. Hide your email address: Exclude your email address from emails that questionnaire submitters receive (by default questionnaire submitters will be shown your email address as the "questionnaire creator" in emails they receive from Woodpecker).

  4. Send populated documents to submitter: Send questionnaire submitters a copy of the populated documents (by default populated documents are not sent to the questionnaire submitter).

  5. Include terms & conditions checkbox: Require questionnaire submitters to agree to certain terms & conditions before submitting the questionnaire. The questionnaire cannot be submitted until the user agrees to the terms.

  6. Make field descriptions persistent: Field descriptions will persistently display for all fields (by default the questionnaire will render the field descriptions only when that field is being filled out).

  7. Don't send emails to questionnaire submitter: Emails confirming questionnaire submissions are automatically sent to the questionnaire submitter. Turn this setting on to disable confirmation emails sent to questionnaire submitters.

  8. Send final documents to an alternative email address: By default, populated documents are sent to the email address of the creator of this questionnaire. To overwrite this behavior, enter a list of comma-separated email addresses to which the populated documents and questionnaire responses should be sent. Note that by enabling this setting, the questionnaire creator will no longer receive populated documents and questionnaire responses to their email address when this questionnaire is submitted. Learn more

Taking advantage of these options is simple. When you are either creating a new questionnaire or editing an existing one, you will see the "Advanced settings" at the bottom. Click on the ">" to expand the options, and choose your settings, as shown below.

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