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Styling Questionnaire Descriptions

Using markdown to style questionnaire descriptions

Written by Shawn Moore
Updated over 9 months ago

When creating a Woodpecker Questionnaire, you may want to bold, italicize, or hyperlink text within a description to help your questionnaire submitters provide the answers you're looking for.

Fortunately, Woodpecker supports markdown syntax (what is markdown?) in Questionnaire descriptions (both in descriptions for individual questions and in descriptions for Questionnaire sections).

Below are some basic examples of markdown syntax, but you can find a full list of the styling options using this markdown cheatsheet.

Styling question descriptions

To use markdown within your question descriptions just edit the description for an individual question and style the text appropriately using markdown syntax rules.

In this example, we create bold text by surrounding the text with two asterisks:

**bold text**

We also create italicized text by surrounding the text with one asterisk:

*italicized text*

Finally, we create hyperlinked text by surrounding the text with square brackets and the link with parenthesis:

[hyperlinked text](

Styling section descriptions

To use markdown within your section descriptions just edit the description for a section and style the text appropriately using markdown syntax rules.

In this example, we create a heading by including a # sign at the beginning of the line:

# This is a heading

We also create a bulleted list using a dash at the beginning of each line

- bulleted list 1

Finally, we create a strikethrough by surrounding the text with two ~ characters:

~~This is a strike through~~

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