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Managing Client Records in Data Management with Zapier

Create or Update Data in your Data Management Automatically, and Reuse the Information to Populate Templates

Written by Shawn Moore
Updated over 9 months ago

Woodpecker's Data Management feature is integrated with Zapier, which means you can now automate the process of uploading a new client record or updating an existing one. In this article, we'll give you a quick outline of how to get this Zapier action up and running!
You'll first need to sign into Zapier, then click the "Create Zap" button to start making a new Zap. For our Trigger step, we'll be using Google Contacts. However, the steps outlined in this article work with any Trigger.

You'll be prompted to sign into the account associated with what you choose for your Trigger. Once that's done, click the "+" icon to create a new Action step. For our action, we'll want to search for Woodpecker.

Note: Please make sure you choose the correct Woodpecker option (outlined in the image above) before continuing.

For our Action Event, we want to select "Create/Update Client Profile":

Next, you'll need to click "Sign in to Woodpecker" to connect your Zapier and Woodpecker accounts. If this is the first Zap you're creating with Woodpecker, you should see another window open, where you'll be prompted to enter your Woodpecker API key. If you've previously completed this step for another Zap, you may see the option to select your Woodpecker account rather than needing to input your API key again.

Our next step will be inputting the email address for the client record we want to create or update, then inputting the name and value for the record attributes. There are a few items to note for this step:

  1. For this example, we'll input the email address of the record we want to create/update. An email address is required.

  2. The Client Profile Attributes function as the columns for a client record. Think of the smaller box (outlined in blue) as the column name, and the larger box (outlined in orange) as the value.

  3. You can input additional values by clicking the "+" icon on the right.

Next, we can choose to set the attribute type for each value that we're entering. Click the "Refresh Fields" button and you'll be presented with a dropdown for each attribute entered above. This step is optional. If no attribute types are set, each Client Profile Attribute will default to the "Single line text" type.

Attribute type will act as the field type for Woodpecker. In our example above, we want the First Name and Last Name columns to be Single line text fields.

Once all of your Attribute types are selected, you'll want to hit "Continue", and then "Test & Review" or "Test & Continue" to verify that the action step works.

Once you see "Test was successful!", you're all finished and your Zap is ready to use!

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